Install Designer - Create NSIS and Inno Setup dialogs easily!

ID box

Install Designer iconFrequently Asked Questions

This section contains the most common problems, questions, known issues and situations which happen in Install Designer. You can find here answers to many of your problems. If your problem is not mentioned here do not hesitate and contact us!

7. What is a 'license.key'?

License.key is file which keeps information about purchased license. This file is stored in Install Designer installation directory.
You can view your license details in the License dialogLicense dialog
License dialog
. (In main menu select About... and click Info...about dialog
About dialog

8. What is maintenance?

Software maintenance is the period of time during which you are entitled to upgrade to newer releases of Install Designer and receive technical support.

9. Do I need to renew maintenance in order to keep using Install Designer?

No. All Install Designer licenses are perpetual. You may continue running our software for as long as you wish without purchasing anything else. It is the ability to upgrade to newer versions of Install Designer that is tied to your maintenance period.

10. What's the difference between Install Designer Commercial and Personal licenses?

The software is the same, but the maintenance terms are different. Commercial licenses include 6 months of maintenance and may be renewed annually, while Personal licenses also come with 6 months of maintenance but cannot be renewed. Commercial licenses are eligible for quantity discounts, while Personal licenses must be purchased one at a time online only.

11. Why isn't my license.key accepted?

There are several reasons: your identifier may differ, license.key may be corrupted or some I/O error may occur.
The most common reasons are shown in Name field in License dialogLicense dialog
License dialog
. Contact us if you have problem with your license.key.

12. Which licenses are eligible for maintenance renewal?

Only Commercial licenses are qualified for maintenance renewal.

13. Can I renew maintenance after my current maintenance has expired?

Yes of course! Do not hesitate - it is cheap!

14. If I renew maintenance, does my new term start the date my current maintenance expired or the date of renewal?

Your new term starts with the date of renewal. There is no penalty for lapsed maintenance.

15. Do I need my existing license.key to renew maintenance?

Not, but to purchase a renewal you need to enter your License ID (17 characters) from your Commercial License invoice invoice
Details of invoice:
(1) License details (License ID is marked by red square: 17 characters which are the same as in PayPal payment)
(2) Software download link for current version (expires in 24 hours)
(3) license.key download link (permanent = never expires - use it anytime)
and additional notes and instructions.
(or from PayPal payment).

16. Can I renew maintenance and purchase additional licenses at the same time?

Yes. We will consolidate and return a single, multi-user license.key for all of your users.

17. Do previous purchases count when computing a quantity discount?

Unfortunately, no. Our simple but firm policy helps keep the price of our software at a minimum, and it is a policy we can manage fairly.

18. Can I consolidate several existing keys into one multi-user license.key?

You can consolidate keys when renewing maintenance, even if the existing keys have/had maintenance terms ending on different dates. Renew maintenance for all users in a single transaction.
Contact us for a price quote if you are renewing maintenance for users whose terms have not expired. Your renewal and consolidation must be done via a direct purchase.

19. Do I need to renew maintenance for separate licenses in separate transactions?

No. Renew maintenance for all of your licenses in a single transaction so you get a single, multi-user license.key.

20. What should I do if I want the license.key sent to someone other than myself?

Please contact us in such situation.

21. Can I get individual keys when purchasing for multiple developers?

Unfortunately, no. We generate and send only one license.key when you purchase a multi-user license. This simple scheme means you have fewer keys to manage, and the simplicity keeps the price of our software at a minimum.

22. Can I get software on a CD?

Install Designer is a download-only product. You are welcome to burn our install image to CD for backup purposes but we do not send software on CD.

23. What if my computer dies and I need to buy another one, am I forced to buy another copy of the Personal license?
      In other words, do you penalize people for hardware failure (something beyond their control)?

No, we do not penalize people in such situations - you do NOT need to purchase new license, your license is still valid.
As our software is tied to machine hardware, your Personal license will not work on two different machines (each machine has different
So in such situation contact us and we will update your existing license with your new (The number of these updates has no limits).
We play fair and we hope our customers do the same.

24. What is it ''? is hardware identifier - unique string (24 characters) for every machine. We use this identifier to recognize two machines (computers).
You can find field (marked with red) in Registration dialog
in License dialog. (In main menu select About... and click Register...about dialog
About dialog

26. I made a PayPal payment. Where is my license.key?

The license.key is automatically generated when the payment is complete. Immediately after the payment you should receive an email with invoice (see picture below). If you do not receive this email (email is sent to your Paypal address) search your spam/junk folder or contact us.

There is a license download link in the invoice - use it to download the license.key anytime. This link never expires.
The invoice looks like this (please keep this email in safe): Commercial License invoice invoice
Details of invoice:
(1) License details (License ID is marked by red square: 17 characters which are the same as in PayPal payment)
(2) Software download link for current version (expires in 24 hours)
(3) license.key download link (permanent = never expires - use it anytime)
and additional notes and instructions.

28. Can I create installer in NSIS or Inno Setup for my software developed in C#, C++, Visual Basic, Python, <insert your favorite language here>, ...?

Yes you can! There are no limitations or restrictions for any language you use. However all installers are designed for Windows only.

29. Can I create installer for my Windows Form, Console, WPF, Silverlight, Crystal Reports Application? And what about Class, Activity or Dynamic Link Library?
      Is ASP.NET, IIS, MVC apps installation supported? What about additional types as MFC, ATL, Win32, CLR, ActiveX components and other?

Yes, yes and yes. Again: There are no limitations or restrictions. Due to NSIS and Inno Setup scripting nature and extensibility you can use it for any project you have.